Foods to Avoid With Braces

There are certain foods that you should avoid while wearing braces and orthodontic appliances. Basic rule of thumb – avoid anything hard and sticky! 

Hard foods can cause damage/breakage to the wires, brackets and appliances. Sticky foods can get stuck in your braces which can also cause damage. You should also minimize the amount of sugary foods/drinks consumed during your orthodontic treatment.

Chewing on pens and pencils can also cause damage to your braces. Please be aware of these habits and try to avoid them. If you have a broken bracket, wire or appliance, please call the office to schedule an appointment to repair your orthodontic appliances.

foods to avoid With braces

  • Chewy foods

    • bagels, hard rolls, licorice

  • Crunchy Foods

    • Popcorn, ice

  • Sticky Foods

    • gum, Sugar Daddies, Tootsie Rolls, taffy and caramels

  • Sugary Foods

    • Starburst, Skittles

  • Hard Foods

    • Nuts, hard candy, hard pretzels, bread and crusts

  • Biting into Foods

    • Apples, Corn on the cob and Carrots (these may be eaten if cut into pieces or cut off the cob)